
Kendra Wilkinson 'Weight loss with Ab Cuts is helping my marriage'

Ab Cuts: Kendra's Weight-Loss SecretKendra Wilkinson says she's happier in her marriage thanks to weight loss with Ab Cuts. What does hubby Hank have to say about it?

Kendra Wilkinson credits ab cuts for helping marriageKendra Wilkinson is really happy with her recent loss -- and she credits it with improving her marriage to NFL player Hank Baskett.

"Our romance has went up like 10 notches. I mean I feel so good," she told RumorMix at a promotional event for Ab Cuts.

"Hank just laughs at me. He's like, 'I can just tell you have the biggest head right now. You walk around with just a sports bra on and little shorts, you have so much ego right now.' He always makes fun of me and I'm like, 'Yeah, I feel good.' Why not? I want to feel good before baby number two, I want to feel free and feel good," she gushed.

Ab Cuts: Herbal weight loss aid

We were more than skeptical when Wilkinson first came out in support of Ab Cuts in the fall. At first, we thought it was a dangerous stimulant like some of the other weight loss supplements out there.

Not so, says the manufacturer of Ab Cuts.

Ab Cuts, or full name Abdominal Cuts, is a weight-loss product that the company touts as a healthy supplement that can "assist with body-fat reduction (particularly in the abdominal area), healthy metabolism, antioxidant supply and anti-inflammatory assistance," according to their website.

We're still not sold on spending $50 for vitamins and minerals you can purchase inexpensively at your pharmacy, but we're willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.

Kendra: Baby #2 Soon?

Is Kendra Wilkinson looking to give baby Hank a little brother or sister any time soon?

"My goal is just to be in a bikini a couple more times before I get pregnant again."

And this time, she'll approach weight loss the right way.

"I really thought I was going to be one of those celebrities that just lost the weight like right away. I really thought I was going to be that celebrity, but I wasn't and I learned my lesson from it. I will never do that to myself again."

Have you tried Ab Cuts? Tell us how it worked -- or didn't work -- for you.More on weight loss

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